Lachlan: Knock it off! *he gets his friends’ attention*

Unikitty: I’m not doing anything!

Lachlan: She’s poking me!

Unikitty: I’m not poking you!

Lachlan: Grr! You’re poking me!

Unikitty: Not poking~!

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Lachlan: *picks it up* Nope, it’s good.

Unikitty: *whew* That’s a relief, but your friends are still fighting.

Lachlan: Maybe we need to up our performance, what say you?

Unikitty: Let’s do it.

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Rainbow Dash: Lachlan, give her mirror back.

Lachlan: Okay. *throws it down*


Unikitty: *yowl!* Ow!!

Lachlan: Haha! Gotcha!

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Applejack: More importantly, why are THEY fightin’?!

Unikitty: Gimme my mirror back!!

Lachlan: What’s that? I thought I heard an annoying screeching cat. Oh wait, it was you!

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*during “The Mean Six” episode*

Unikitty: Lachy, your friends are fighting! What can we do?

Lachlan: Maybe we can pretend to fight ourselves to distract them enough that they’ll forget about their fight and focus on ours!

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*record scratch*

Unikitty: Whut?

*audience laugh*

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Unikitty: *doing a vlog to her kingdom* You heard that right, everyone! It’s officially Friendship Day! Whether it’s your boyfriend, best friend or any friend in general, show your upmost appreciation for your friends!! Yaaay!!

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Lachlan: Which reminds me, I’d better get my Valentine a gift!

Unikitty: Oh, no need to. You being here is enough of a wonderful gift! ❤️

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Unikitty: It’s… my birth parents… *remembers Queen Caticorn hugging her*

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Student six: *unamused staring*

Unikitty: …Too soon?

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Yona: *gasp* Dingo has a magic butt!

Unikitty: *gasp* A fluffy koala with red pants!

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Lachlan: Unikitty! Are you okay?

Unikitty: *panting* I just had a bad dream about Yona. 😣

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Unikitty: Mr. Cutie? You were pushed around by not nice ponies before you met Rainbow Dash?? You never told me that!

Lachlan: I didn’t want you to worry.

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Yona: (walking and humming a song)

Unikitty: (jumps out from around a corner) Rah!

Yona: AAAAAHHH OH MY GAH!! (runs away Scooby-Doo style)

Unikitty: (giggling) I got her again!

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Unikitty: *notices everyone sitting in a circle with her* Are we…? 😃

Yona: Yep! *sitting next to her* Yona and friends share what we like about Lachlan with Unikitty!

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Unikitty: Really? Ohh, you’re just saying that so I’ll be happy!

Sandbar: No, we really mean it! Lachlan’s the coolest pup!

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Unikitty: *answers* Hello~? Princess Unikitty speaking!

Lachlan: *on the phone* Hi Unikitty! How’s my girlfriend~?

Unikitty: *excited breathless gasp*

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*the class cheers*

Smolder: Well Unikitty, I take back everything I said about your mom, she *is* cool!

Unikitty: *giggling* Wait, what were you saying about her?

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Unikitty: Careful Lachlan! She’s much smaller than her big brother!

Lachlan: You worry too much, I’m always careful. 😘

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