Just in case someone is wondering what her design is based on - there's this gingerbread called "Elise"👀

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if I don't find exact representation for the pose or expression I want I merge on the canvas

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This is how I use reference for coloring Comicbooks Ink by Sébastien Philippe

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✨ A few examples from

Viduca, I century BCE Gaul

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! I try to create a mood board and to keep everything I could need during the painting in one place. is an amazing tool to organize photoreferences ✨

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I'm using Magic Poser app on my mobile phone, it helps me to do pose for the character. To do other things i need to work with photos 👍😊

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is interesting, because it varies a lot from piece to piece. Some pieces get some photobashed elements; others I just look at reference for pure inspiration/mood. I absorbed a lot of Roberto Ferri paintings for this particular series (1/2)

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I'm TERRIBLE at using references because I'm dumb and usually come up with idea while drawing and by the time I need refs they are too specific to be found. But this one time I actually DID use the light composition from Fabian Perez so I can pretend I know xD

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These are just some that I found easily, but I looked at a lot more! And thanks to my boyfriend for posing for me 😁💕

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Because I like the Hashtag and because it's important to show that it's normal to use references!
(Old picture as example because I often don't save my refs.)

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tag is awesome.

Here is my first model reference. Lately my best works has been with the use of reference.

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Not pictured: many more selfies and elephants

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Shoutout to for not only being a literal human goddess but also my beautiful muse! 😘😘😘

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A second for character commissions; for full illustrations I use photo ref whenever possible, but for commissions it's usually a combination of DazStudio and Blender (which are both free, guys!)

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I saw a video of a Koi fish keeper feeding koi... old art but the best example.

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still not the best at it, but — when I no longer know what’s going on

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Sometimes it's a mishmash of like nine reference pictures and sometimes it's just a single bad selfie 🤷🏼‍♂️:

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I love this hashtag. When I was in school I was ALWAYS taught by every art teacher I had to never use 1 reference unless it was your own, was free to use (with credit), etc. because you must respect the other artist's work and most aren't free to use.

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