Agnès Varda, Le bonheur / Happiness (1965) for

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Agnes Varda, from her interview with in

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R.I.P. 大好きなフランスの映画監督アニエス・ヴァルダ(Agnès Varda, 1928/5/30 - 2019/3/29)ジャック・ドゥミの元へ逝かれた。5時から7時までのクレオ/ベトナムから遠く離れて/カンフー・マスター! /アニエスv.によるジェーンb. /百一夜/落穂拾い etc

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Ilmarë ~Handmaiden of Varda, one of the chief Maiar ~I did this just after I figured out my new tablet. I trusted myself enough to draw the beautiful Ilmarë.

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Varda,the Queen of Arda. Shame I wasn't able to finish this during Professor Tolkien's birthday.

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