Seguimos con otra personaje que también me está llevando de la manita ✨

Ella es Meissa, que ya la conocéis, y también es homosexual 🥰

Confesiones ahora que nadie me lee: intenté por todos los medios emparejarla con Aulë en una historia, y como veis iba a funcionar muy bien 🤣

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Aulë mola mucho el nombre :O y es doctor! I like that! personalidad arrolladora Hmm! veo intensidad in coming xD me pregunto como debe ser hablar con él, quiero ver un diiaalooogooo!

Y aquí por mi parte: Aster, el nene con el que soy muy pesada, loco de las estrellas y aspi

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Quienes hayáis seguido las anteriores, sabéis lo que toca 😏

Hoy quiero conocer personajes rubias/rubies/os (vuestros o de otres autores)

Yo me MUERO de ganas de que conozcáis a Aulë, mi doctorcito adorable con personalidad arrolladora

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Aulë and Yavanna

78 970

“Tulkas smote Melko full in his teeth with his fist of iron, and he and Aulë grappled with him, and straight he was wrapped thirty times in the fathoms of Angaino.”

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Aulë the Smith, the Lord of Earth, and Yavanna Kementári the Giver of Fruit.

11 83

Finally finished my radiant Curumo! Basically I imagined him if he became more of a paladin of Aulë with pretty armour ^^

My health has been bad so I’m so glad I found the energy todo this ^^

38 146

I'm working on my radiant Aulë. Yes, he's purple. Why? I have no reason other than it's pretty with gold ☺️

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of Aulë and Yavanna 🌿💐⚒🗻

112 1156

Se dice que al principio los Enanos fueron hechos por Aulë en la oscuridad de la Tierra Media;


- El Silmarillion,
Ilustración: Ted Nasmith

8 15

- simile ad ombra di Morgoth, e lo seguì passo passo, lungo il rovinoso sentiero che lo trasse giù nel vuoto."
Ma chi era questo Sauron, secondo luogotenente di Melkor/Morgoth? Ebbene: in principio, Sauron, o per meglio dire Mairon, era un maia di Aulë. Esattamente come Saruman.

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“While still in his early youth he wedded Nerdanel, the daughter of a great smith named Mahtan, among those of the Noldor most dear to Aulë; and of Mahtan he learned much of the making of things in metal and in stone.” — The Silmarillion

Artwork by daLomacchi

30 199

“Then Aulë took the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves, and laid them to rest in far-sundered places; and he returned to Valinor, and waited while the long years lengthened.” — The Silmarillion

Artwork by Ted Nasmith

45 291

“The spouse of Aulë is Yavanna, the Giver of Fruits. She is the lover of all things that grow in the earth, and all their countless forms she holds in her mind.” — The Silmarillion

Artwork by marcelamedeiros

41 159

“Aulë has might little less than Ulmo. His lordship is over all the substances of which Arda is made. In the beginning he wrought much in fellowship with Manwë and Ulmo; and the fashioning of all lands was his labour.” — The Silmarillion

Artwork by Granks

14 46

“Of the fabric of Earth had Aulë thought, to whom Ilúvatar had given skin and knowledge scarce less than to Melkor; but the delight and pride of Aulë is in the deed of making, and in the thing made, and neither in possession nor in his own mastery.” — The Silmarillion

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