‘Nikolai Luzhin’ as played by Viggo Mortensen in David Cronenbergs ‘Eastern Promises’ … imagine being that good-looking? it must be sickening …

Soundtrack: ‘Gangsters’ by The Specials …

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‘Nikolai Luzhin’ as played by Viggo Mortensen in David Cronenbergs ‘Eastern Promises’ … imagine being that good-looking? it must be sickening … Soundtrack: ‘Gangsters’ by The Specials …  

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A short movie that I would recommend to everyone who still imagines that there are differences

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Keeping the watercolor practice with Aragorn, Dúnedain of the North

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Incase you missed it here's my illo of for book 'what I love about movies' :)

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El actor estaría en la mira de para ser uno de los villanos en

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