hello i just finish my vtube model! Now i have to do all the setting for make it move but that will be complicated

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Getting some work done on the robot model. Still needs a lot of shading to complete the look I'm going for, but she is currently my most detailed model.

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Small updates to the giveaway model, and the strawberry milk model! The Strawberry Milk model just looks so friendly, they give me Parent of the friend group vibes.

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woo i did it! heres me! my new png tuber character, sorry took me a while to post it but here i am! really happy with this

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The newest model I'm working on. I have so much planned for this model, but I really should finish up the other two models I'm working on. All 3 should be done within the week.

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Oh, how much she's changed in just a few hours! She needs a bit more work, but I really like the way she's turning out.

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which style do yall like more? left or right?

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Selene got new haircut since old one was incompatibile with rigging I have in plans. But yea, she's officially finished. Now... I have two more I need to cut 😭😱🥲

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Todays progress on Selena, the Corpus Cultist! I am really happy with the guts and redesinged spine that we were working on during stream :D

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My first try at a a thread or something idk. i just wanted to document my progress.
It’s all just for fun to see if i like doing it or not.

Character by they will receive the model for use when it’s done as well. thanks for letting me use your design.

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I dunno if You know, but I have open commissions~ Including vtube model commissions of all shapes and sizes :D(feminine characters preferred)
If You want to know more, website link is in bio AND thread below. DMs here and on discord~💕

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Yo V-tubers! If I keep doubting myself ill never do my thats why I force myself to get out there by posting a little teaser of my model now! <3 😳#VTube

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Just working on a little something behind the scenes <3

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was kleines für die liebe ^^
Ihr Vtuber Phinea <3

4 23

trying to properly make my avatar for streaming. may as well use this avatar for all my stuff!

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So I have so far put a mesh on every part of my model!
I just really need some help with making a mesh for my face outline!!

I have put some dots with what I mean!
id love to get some advise <3333

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