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Bath in Dragonspine

1355 13644

babu! aku mau tanya nih...

aku kan ke spook dan mau simpen buat yae miko nanti. weapon nya widsith yang lagi dipegang heizou sekarang. kata kalian nanti level 30 bp ambil solar pearl buat heizou atau serpent spine buat ga ming?

0 1

A spirit monster with blades and a cold atmosphere; its coated with frosty blades and spines that seemed to radiate the chill of ocean's depths.

1 9

tehe! wta dong,,, build raiden national segini udah cukup belum ya? trus raiden mending pake homa atau spine? makasihh

0 1

Babu! Udah winter keempat dan kita masih belum dapat tipot tema Dragonspine ... 🥲💔

1 19

Kinda glad that they don’t depict the spine or else i’d throw up more

20 261

Mau liat build raiden kalian yang pake skyward spine dong babu!

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Spine is slowly becoming stronger

28 462

Babu! Kirain Wriothesley doang yg punya Aura merah gagah? Pak hakim jg punya dong 😎 (modal batu merah dragonspine jadilah Wriothesley versi lite)

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◤ 𝖢𝗈𝖢 Paranormal Crime ◢

KP : 睦さん
HO1 : Cynthia Orion /ろしまさん
HO2 : Carmine Red Spinel / 墓さん
HO3 : Gilbert Greenblatt / じぐっぱさん
HO4 : Sunday Sunny Sideup / 三義さん
HO5 : Nicola Cyrus / 牛乳
HO6 : SantaMaria Jackpot / こぺさん

◆ 𝗘𝗡𝗗 : 全生還

5 10

Here in the garden, the thicc Rose Quartz is gonna pay for everything she did by spending the rest of her days with Spinel. She missed her all those years, so they need to make up for lost time...

137 823

I miss Dragonspine...

2620 11027



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今日はSpine(アニメーション制作に使用しているソフトウェア)のインターフェースの一部をお見せします。アニメーションを制作する際、多くの細かい点を見て、1つずつ調整しなければなりませんね。一部の部分の動きは非常に詳細で、したがって... たくさんの「グリッド」(Key… https://t.co/vwx4leuSJY

8 184

Why is her tail not growing on the spine but growing from one side of her buttocks?I bet you didn't really understand the human body structure when copying AI images。

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