A fanart of Antares from the Ward webserial by Wildbow.

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Another exciting chapter of Confessions of the Magpie Wizard! A cowardly betrayal! The Tower Attack continues! Read it on Reddit Serials!

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As long as I'm showing off great art for Confessions of the Magpie Wizard, she did the definitive Maggie.

Want to see what she's from?

The book is $2.99 on Amazon: https://t.co/DCd3zHMfoC

Free sample: https://t.co/L73f6zaFpC

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A little stylistic experiment of Ranger from a Practical Guide to Evil

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Montague the gentleman ooze from

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https://t.co/wqFRIgbOHr Chapter 53 of Saga of the Cosmic Heroes dropped on Royalroad, and it recently got 100 followers and over 17,000 views! This lovely commission was done by

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“I’ll fight the clouds. I’ll split the sun and let it bleed into the horizon. I’ll threaten the stars so they cower at the very sight of me.”

New Body&Shadow chapter today! Link below ✨

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Under Jubaopen’s carved archway, a Prince knelt before a disciple of Luanshi, a dejavu foretelling of what might someday be a King kneeling before the thirteenth named Mistress of the Swarm.

New chapter! Link below 💖

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“Maybe ghosts are real,” Laike teased, hands falling to Yuhui’s waist, head tilted. He was a schoolyard jeer, a taunt made real by his proximity, his withholding.

New chapter! Link below ⤵️

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When Ban passed Ao, he only briefly paused as he surveyed the waking morning, judged the day by the way the sun threatened to break like a yolk across the road.

New chapter! Link below ⤵️

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“When I finish this wine, I’m gonna smash the bottle, bring it back, and stab your face with it.”

New chapter! 🍷

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Emboldened by his long night, Yuhui dared himself to carry on through his day without sleep.

New chapter! 🌞

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Something in Lin’ai’s bones told him this evening would be a test—that more than anything he should keep his head down, eyes straight ahead.

New chapter! 💮

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Despite their birth order, that overprotective two-toned boy always behaved as the eldest, even when he held a younger brother’s words in his mouth.

New chapter! 📚

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“Good morning, Ren Fei,” the cruel horseman called down to the deposed young man. “You should be more careful—you’re going to hurt yourself.”

New chapter! 🍬

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