A Orang-Utan and Grandpa enjoing a nice cup of tea. Great rhyme by

O is for Orang-Utan

The closest relative of man
Some say, is the Orang-Utan,
And when I look at Grandpapa,
I realise how right they are!

0 8

K is for Kangaroo

O don’t mess with a kangaroo
In either bush or outback,
For if you clout a kangaroo
The odds are it’ll clout back.

Poem by

2 23

Ever get the feeling you’re being used?🙁
Another great little rhyme from for his animal alphabet challenge
M is for Moose~
What use
A moose?
For coats and caps.🧢🎩👒

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M is for Moose for

M is for Moose

What use
A moose?
Except, perhaps
For coats and caps.

6 16

These are the two illustrations by themselves

0 7

A bit of night time drawing for ‘s alphabet challenge to go with his fab kangaroo rhyme :)

K is for Kangaroo

O don’t mess with a kangaroo
In either bush or outback,
For if you clout a kangaroo
The odds are it’ll clout back.

0 14

I is for Iguana

I have an iguana,
A plucky little fellow.
I fed him on banana
And now he’s turning yellow.

Poem by

4 33

This Kangaroo and Koala are bouncing around in the outback. For Rhyme by

K is for Kangaroo

O don’t mess with a kangaroo
In either bush or outback,
For if you clout a kangaroo
The odds are it’ll clout back.

1 6

I finally got the chance to illustrate a Hope you feel better soon as well, Colin.

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A cheerful Iguana enjoying a banana split. For
I is for Iguana

I have an iguana,
A plucky little fellow.
I fed him on banana
And now he’s turning yellow.

1 4

H is for Hippopotamus

We thought a pleasant pet to keep
Might be a hippopotamus.
Now see him sitting in a heap,
And notice at the bottom — us!

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A Hippo having a relaxing soak. For
H is for Hippopotamus

We thought a pleasant pet to keep
Might be a hippopotamus.
Now see him sitting in a heap,
And notice at the bottom — us!

1 9

E for Elephant

An elephant always remembers,
His head is quite stuffed full of knowledge,
And some of them even are members
Of Mensa, and study at college.

Poem by

4 18

Hi and Here is E for Pachyderms love Pythagoras it helps them work out their Tusk to Ear ratios

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I'm coming late so I'm having to amalgamate the first five into one Frankenstein animal! A-E an Antbatchamdogephant

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