Happy publication day to 's new Windrush Noir novel, 'A Traitor to His Blood'. 🥳🎉🎊🤩 https://t.co/UuL8XRm1U2

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The monthly copy is online. From hair racism, that dangerous buzzword "resilience" to memories of the Windrush colleagues. Great stuff..

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Brixton Village aims to reunite Windrush community elders with a thoughtful cultural programme > https://t.co/0OrAPWxe9L

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I pay tribute to Ms Paulette Wilson and her contribution and activism in highlighting the plight of many from the Windrush generation mistreated, harassed and abused by the government and especially immigration.
Born in Jamaica in 1956, she came over to the UK fo

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Today is Reading this book made me realise how little I had been taught about this chapter in our history and how important it is that we learn more.

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- Today is & our librarian wanted to share 3 of her favourite titles, coincidentally all recently published by , but had to find cover photos online because despite having multiple copies they’re all on loan!

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Catch STILL BREATHING at on 19th June, 7pm. Part of events, Still Breathing uses dance, music & spoken word to explore despair, deja vu, resilience and renewed spirit felt around struggle for racial equality. Book here: https://t.co/WquD8yPnLf

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Catch STILL BREATHING at on 19th June, 7pm. Part of events, Still Breathing uses dance, music & spoken word to explore despair, deja vu, resilience and renewed spirit felt around struggle for racial equality. Book here: https://t.co/WquD8yPnLf

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Two beautifully visual 5 star reviews for this wonderful book by
Thanks to Amber and Jasmine for sharing them with us. We adore bookworms sharing book love with us. Keep the reviews coming kids.

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The Story of the Windrush by is an excellent book for primary schools. It now has a series of lesson plans and resources thanks to . You need to sign up, but they are free - and really useful!


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Great title explaining Windrush to children (and adults) I learnt a lot reading this. Surely this should be taught in schools? A small book but with huge amounts of info. You can order scholastic titles from Bounce

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Sophie Melissa was delighted to illustrate the new cover for the critically acclaimed Voices of the Windrush Generation: The real story told by the people by David Matthews. 's bold, textured illustration style works perfectly for this poignant collection of stories.

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A book that we all need, Anne. I hope more are written soon about the generation too so that we can share these important stories. I have read and LOVED these by Floella Benjamin and it seems she has been a part of my life from when I was very little indeed.

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Our Windrush Stories website digs deeper into the ongoing, complex relationship between Britain and the Caribbean – a story that didn’t start or end with the arrival of the Empire Windrush in Essex https://t.co/wjZDoRP6xj

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The Windrush generation arrived in Britain 72 years ago. They were the vanguard of Britain’s multiculturalism. An example of the practical and cultural benefits of immigration. Yet they have been betrayed by the Tory government’s heartless deportations policy.

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The latest newsletter featuring 1. the restarting of our Home Library service on Monday, June 22nd with
and 2. celebrating is now online at: https://t.co/vBrY4GhnzO

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Windrush Day 22nd June Celebrations - Now booking! https://t.co/LEsUTHynUE - Animation with Keston Neunie & family worksheet, Artist's Talk, & Family history with

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Now booking! As part of our 22nd June celebrations, Create Your Family Tree with Selena Carty of Book here: https://t.co/8gon1r3rBm

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Explore how the experiences of migration & settling in the UK, alongside the political landscape, have led to new artistic expressions & cultural movements on with articles on writers, artists, music & more:


Image: © Althea McNish

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