685:wooper's playground!🛶🍙🏞️

153 550

668:wooper's handmade!🧢🧶

211 913

656:wooper's favorite⭐💙

179 824

634:wooper's excursion📍🚩

126 631

625:wooper's adventure!🔦🗻💎

90 483

Man I love beta Wooper's design, why tf didn't they keep this as the final design, looks adorable

2 13

Commission for Del Yuen | Wooper's team !
Thank you so much ❤️

2 9


Look what made me for my birthday!!! It's so adorable and perfect and makes my heart melt every time I look at it <3 <3 <3 My face is actually very similar to the Wooper's every time I look at it 😂

Thank you so much again, Myst 💖

5 17

495:wooper's big scribble🖼️🎨🎨

122 436

437:wooper's having a card battle!💳💥💳

312 1475

429:wooper's in good spirits🏃💪🎶

221 855

Beta Wooper:

In Gold & Silver's 1999 demo, Wooper's original design was... pretty different. Gold & Silver launched just three months later, at which point Wooper was completely redesigned.

1. Demo sprite recreation by
2. Demo sprite, final sprite
3. Final artwork

1041 4672

and here are Wooper's alts.

0 6

338:wooper's magic show!🎩

87 307