1/7 large house satisfaction編

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mis OC's Gordi, Chip. Tijomatito, Yorch, Okami y Jack (nunca subo lo que hago así que por que no :v)

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The helmet Corybas fimbriatus, is a small plant that grows on the forest floor. This image was painted by Ferdinand Bauer (1760-1826), artist on Matthew Flinders' voyage which circumnavigated 1801-1803

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Phew.... talk uploaded, not perfect but hey ho, nothing ever is! And its community that counts - can't wait to hear all the cool science. I am also doing an author chat on the 23rd - about - come & visit!

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「聖剣伝説3 25th AnniversaryOrchestra Concert」


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With this Serapias cordigera Hilda Margaret Godfery (1871-1930) depicts the bees that visit the flowers. writes ‘Both male and female bees visit these flowers and shelter in the cavity provided by the arched sepals – no other reward is offered’

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