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The helmet Corybas fimbriatus, is a small plant that grows on the forest floor. This image was painted by Ferdinand Bauer (1760-1826), artist on Matthew Flinders' voyage which circumnavigated 1801-1803

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Phew.... talk uploaded, not perfect but hey ho, nothing ever is! And its community that counts - can't wait to hear all the cool science. I am also doing an author chat on the 23rd - about - come & visit!

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「聖剣伝説3 25th AnniversaryOrchestra Concert」


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With this Serapias cordigera Hilda Margaret Godfery (1871-1930) depicts the bees that visit the flowers. writes ‘Both male and female bees visit these flowers and shelter in the cavity provided by the arched sepals – no other reward is offered’

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This wageneriana was published in The Genus Masdevallia (1891-1896). The plates and text were by Florence H Woolward (1854-1936) who used the plants growing in the extensive collections of the Marquess of Lothian at Newbattle Abbey

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The that you commonly see for sale in supermarkets in the UK are unnamed of or moth orchids. They can flower at any time of the year. This image is from James Bateman's A Second Century of Orchidaceous Plants (1867)

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This Bolbophyllum is from W J Hooker's A Century of Orchidaceous Plants (1849). In writes how the dark delicate hairs are thought to lure the dipteran pollinators of these tiny flowers by imitating a fly mating swarm

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Georg Eberhard Rumphius (1627-1702) named Flos susannae (now Pecteilis gigantea) after his wife, Suzanna, who assisted his botanical work after he lost his sight. This image is from William Jackson Hooker's (1785-1865) A Century of Orchidaceous Plants (1849)

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