Cherry blossoms and Phalaenopsis orchids and kimono girls

41 277

Phalaenopsis orchid

I'm old enough to be continually astonished and delighted that orchids are widely available and affordable. They were flowers of fable and exoticism when I was little.

3 61

당신을 사랑합니다.

6 9

Best Buds
Watercolor On Artboard
2022, 9"x 12"
Purple Moth Orchids, Phalaenopsis

1 2

birthday flower image chibi character

❁October 17th
❁ Phalaenopsis
❁ Flower Language: "Happiness is flying"

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. 『頽廃 ノスタルジー 胡蝶蘭』
(Decadence Nostalgia Phalaenopsis)

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Phalaenopsis schilleriana
Robert Warner, 1862

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2. Puspa Pesona (Flower of Charm), Indonesian Moon Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis) that charms everyone due to its pretty big white flowers, cant look away from her (Moona's Beauty)

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I am glued to UK politics tonight but for those of you who would prefer to see some nice orchids here you go, some recent work. Phalaenopsis Kingfisher’s Dragon Wing, grown by and Stanhopea Marmotier grown by

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Neutral Orchids (Phalaenopsis + Dracaena sanderana), 2016 •
Stephanie Syjuco •

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