Another and this time the line between loyal and rebel blurs with Narek of the Word, also known as Narek the Traitor.

0 21

I want a consisting of Salamanders, Space Wolves .. and That One Black Templar.
It would be so much fun!

3 24

Still in
Hey, I like Nick Kyme. And he gave me "Salamander with beard". I never thought of them as a Legion fancying facial hair. Or hair at all.

2 16

Helbrecht - Grimaldus - Bayard: The Emperor's Boyband!
Because the High Marshal did a little 90s-Boyband-routine when greeting that old Imperial Guard-guy on Armageddon.

6 15

Lukasz, pilot of the Thunderhawk "Throneworld".
OC of a friend.

1 11

It's like a bikini carwash, except he's wearing no bikini and it's his own pauldron. So nothing like a bikini carwash. But

4 14

It's another
Another opportunity for me to post heretic flesh.
This time: Everybody's favourite stabbing-victim, Argel Tal!

3 15