More chaos cake for all of you monsters! Abaddon inviting you to join in …something…Probably to spill your body fluids. All sorts of them.

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Telemachon Lyras …Just manwhoring around, waiting for a victim no doubt…one day I Will draw his ruined face….BUT TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY.
Pet swordsman.

6 29

Sorry, no pinup...For now...Have Abaddood enjoying some downtime latte or something! Hell if I know! I am a tea sipping heretic myself!

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It's the Valentine's day-edition of
Telemachon Lyras for your viewing pleasure. I like him best of the origin-cast of characters, but can't shake the feeling he's the low-fat sugar-free version of Lucius.

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Illustration for yiossi21: "Old friends", a battle between the Black Lion of the Ultramarines and Ornirios Burned Soul of the Black Legion 💀

5 19

Black Legionnaire

A very old drawing that I made 1.5 years ago. I made the first version of this drawing 2.5 years ago

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Gold and silver done. I'll do the smaller details, base, the I can weather and highlight the gold.

5 39

Keep trying not quite there yet. Photos show it needs some smoothing. I think pushing the lightest skin tones next to the red is needed, then up the red around the bottom of the head. Finding it very challenging!

3 18

To my Warmaster, Abaddon the Despoiler from Death to the false emperor!

13 52

Terminator one about there. Black left to go and little details. Once the basecoats are out of the way, it's been great fun to paint.

7 48

Slowly getting there. Half the staff arm, all the skull arm, robes, head, knife, Horus symbols, backpack highlights... Learning lots though!

14 62

Been working up this illustration and putting in color and lighting. Started off as a SpaceWolf priest now it's full on sorcerer. Hopefully I can find a moment to finish it soon.

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