# asoiaf

Roose Bolton and his Northern Lords (+ Freys) in aDwD

Depicted: Hosteen Frey, Aenys Frey, Wyman Manderly, Hother Umber (Whoresbane), Roose Bolton, Barbrey Dustin, Harwood Stout, Rickard Ryswell, Roose Ryswell, Roger Ryswell, Jonelle Cerwyn, Ondrew Locke, Arnolf Karstark

15 58

“A monster,” Bran said.

The ranger looked at Bran as if the rest of them did not exist. “Your monster, Brandon Stark.”

- Bran I, aDwD

Have been meaning to draw Coldhands for a while :D

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“he made rounds of castle black each day, visiting the men on watch and hearing their reports, talking with king's men and queen's men alike.” -jon ii, adwd

“‘a queen must listen to all. the highborn and the low, the strong and the weak, the noble and the venal.’” -dany i, asos

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"They are very sweet, the both of them," Dany assured [the Green Grace]. "Qezza sings for me sometimes. She has a lovely voice."

- Dany IV, aDwD

Daenerys Targaryen, Qezza Galare, and her cousin Galazza Galare (The Green Grace)

19 71

“i am queen over a city built on dust and death.” -dany i, adwd

“my seat, jon snow reflected. my hall, my home, my command. a ruin.” -jon vi, adwd

37 193

“‘the question is, how do we fight them?’
‘fire will dismay them. i found one account of the long night that spoke of the last hero slaying others with a blade of dragonsteel.’” -jon ii, adwd

“he is fire made flesh, she thought, and so am i.” -dany ix, adwd

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“jon stepped out into the night. even the moon looked cold; there were goosebumps all across its face. where am i going? what am i doing?” -jon vi, adwd

“‘shall we continue on?’
what could she do but nod? one step, then the next, but where is it i’m going?” -dany ix, adwd

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“the godswife thought her a child, but children grow, and children learn.” -dany x, agot

“‘your grace is mistaken.’ you know nothing, jon snow, ygritte used to say, but he had learned.” -jon i, adwd

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“‘drogon,’ she screamed.
his head turned. he snapped.
‘no’ was all she had time to say. no, don't you know me?” -dany ix, adwd

“the direwolf wouldn’t lie still. ‘easy, ghost,’ jon called. yet when he made to touch him, the wolf bristled and bared his teeth.” -jon xiii, adwd

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“she slapped his hand away. ‘do not ever presume to touch me again. you have until dawn to collect your things and leave.’” -dany vi, asos

“‘you mistake me, my lord,’ jon said. ‘that was a command, not an offer. be ready to depart at first light on the morrow.’” -jon ii, adwd

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“he had known what snow was the moment he saw that direwolf. the gift was strong in snow, but he was still fighting his nature when he should have gloried in it.” -prologue, adwd

“‘remember who you are, daenerys,’ the stars whispered. ‘the dragons know. do you?’” -dany x, adwd

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“they will kill me too if i allow it. the knives that slew my stalwart shield were meant for me.” -daenerys i, adwd

“‘you would do well to keep your wolf close. ice, i see, and daggers in the dark. blood frozen red and hard, and naked steel. it was very cold.’” -jon i, adwd

15 65

“ygritte was in his thoughts. you were wrong to love her. you were wrong to leave her.” -jon vi, asos

“she wondered what daario was doing. i should never have taken him into my bed. he was only a sellsword, and yet …
i knew that all along, but i did it anyway.” -dany viii, adwd

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“gods, she prayed, give me the wisdom to see the path ahead and the strength to do what i must to keep my children safe.” -dany v, adwd

“gods of the wood, grant me strength, jon snow prayed. give me the wisdom to know what must be done and the courage to do it.” -jon vii, adwd

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“‘you need not trust a man to use him.’ else how could i make use of all of you? ‘we need the weeper, who knows our foes better?’” -jon xi, adwd

“‘i am glad you came to me, my friend.’ i will not trust you, but i need you. i need your ships, i need your trade.” -dany iii, adwd

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“even with ygritte sleeping beside him, he felt alone.” -jon v, asos

“her captain slept beside her, yet she was alone.” -daenerys vii, adwd

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“did rhaegar ever grow so weary? she wondered. did aegon, after his conquest?” -dany vi, asos

“jon snow had dreamed of growing up to be a conqueror. now he was a man grown and the wall was his, yet all he had were doubts. he could not even seem to conquer those.” -jon, vii, adwd

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"the shapes were dancing. she glimpsed the shadow of a great wolf, and another like a man in flames." -dany ix, agot

"ghost appeared beside him. the taste of hot blood filled jon's mouth, and he knew that ghost had killed. no, he thought. i am a man, not a wolf." -jon iii, adwd

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“jon snow took the wall and held it, against all the fury of the north. he has proved himself valiant, loyal, and resourceful.” -jon ix, asos

“she has crossed the grasslands, survived assassins, trod the slaver cities to dust beneath her dainty sandaled feet.” -tyrion vi, adwd

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“i mean to sail to westeros, and drink the wine of vengeance from the skull of the usurper.” -daenerys iii, acok

“it’s death and destruction i want to bring down upon house lannister, not scorn.” -jon ii, adwd

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