“I know who you are. I know what you are. Now answer my question. Why do you love the Starks?”

“I…” Theon put a gloved hand against a pillar. “…I wanted to be one of them…”

“And never could. We have more in common than you know, my lord.”

-The Turncloak, ADWD 🎨efpizza

29 185

“She was like that, she threw things off balance just to see if she could put them back in some other way.”
― Elena Ferrante, My Brilliant Friend

Valentine's day gift for @/adwd on tumblr!

23 113

“Until the Mountain crushed my brother’s skull, no Dornishmen had died in this War of the Five Kings,” the prince murmured softly, as Hotah pulled a blanket over him. “Tell me, Captain, is that my shame or my glory?”

-Doran Martell, The Watcher, ADWD

55 326

His eyes are ice. Reek wondered if Roose Bolton ever cried. If so, do the tears feel cold upon his cheeks? - Reek II, aDwD

Theon Greyjoy & Roose Bolton feat. one of my fave descriptions in the books, so evocative :)

13 59

absolutely no character in ASOIAF comes close to an arc this well written. His ADWD chapters alone were George's magnum opus

1 23

Ser Kevan remembered the girl she once had been, so full of life and mischief. And when she’d flowered, ahhhh … had there ever been a maid so sweet to look upon? ‘If Aerys had agreed to marry her to Rhaegar, how many deaths might have been avoided?’

-Epilogue, ADWD 🎨Liv

27 177

She took a sip of wine, her dark eyes sparkling, and said, "[...] yes, if I so choose, I could be an inconvenience. Of course, Roose sees that too, so he takes care to keep me sweet." - The Prince of Winterfell, aDwD

Roose Bolton and Barbrey Dustin

4 40

"Power in you, and in this beast. You resist it, and that is your mistake. Embrace it. Use it.”

I am not a wolf, he thought. “And how would I do that?”

“I can show you.” Melisandre draped one slender arm over Ghost, and the direwolf licked her face. - Jon VI, aDwD

8 69

"Lovely," he said to Sweets, who had purple hair and violet eyes, "but we were hoping to be the pretty ones for once." - Sweets sniggered, but Nurse was not amused. - Tyrion X, aDwD

Sweets in the yunkish encampment

7 36

Theon Greyjoy + Roose Bolton at the wall post aDwD, part of the same verse as some of my old Wall AU pieces... They have spotted something unsettling in the distance ❄️#asoiaf

5 50

“jon hated having guards trailing after him everywhere. it made him feel like a mother duck leading a procession of ducklings.” -jon i, adwd

“‘the bride is dressed in a tokar of white silk.’
the queen of the rabbits must not be wed without her floppy ears.” -dany vi, adwd

19 66

"She was fond of my late son and suspects you of having some part in his demise. Lady Barbrey is a woman who knows how to nurse a grievance." - Reek III, aDwD

Young Barbrey Dustin + Domeric Bolton / Bethany Ryswell, Domeric and Barbrey

20 52

A scene from The Turncloak (aDwD), featuring: Abel (Mance Rayder) and one of his spearwives (she isn’t named, but i used my design for Frenya) / Ramsay Bolton, “Fat” Walda Frey, Roose Bolton

9 37

"bran closed his eyes and slipped free of his skin. into the weirwood.

he was back home again.

lord eddard sat in the godswood, the roots of the heart tree twisting around him. the greatsword ice lay across lord eddard's lap.

'winterfell,' bran whispered."

-bran iii, adwd

10 26

The girl was shaking. Theon had to grab her arm to hold her still. Jeyne, ‘Jeyne, it rhymes with pain.’ He tightened his grip, as much as his maimed left hand would allow.

-The Prince of Winterfell, ADWD

34 346

“she put the oldest and weakest on the inside of the column. the rest—her warriors—rode outside.” -dany iii, asos

“he had ordered out two hundred men. they had drawn up their hoods to hide the fact that so many were greybeards and green boys.” -jon iii, adwd

30 95

"não é comigo que ela quer que o filho case, é com a minha pretensão. ninguém casará comigo por amor."
— sansa vi, asos

"um dragão não podia alimentar uma criança faminta, nem impedir a dor de uma mulher morrendo. e quem ousaria amar um dragão?"
— daenerys ii, adwd

16 132

"What … what do you owe me, m'lord?" - "The north. The Starks were done and doomed the night that you took Winterfell." - Reek III, aDwD

Felt like drawing Roose Bolton and Theon Greyjoy again... wish we had seen some on-screen interaction between them during the wot5k

9 34

"jon fell to his knees. 'ghost,' he whispered. pain washed over him. the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades. he never felt the fourth knife. only the cold …" -jon xiii, adwd

"in the distance, a wolf howled. the sound made her feel sad and lonely." -dany x, adwd

27 79