A few ecological relationships...what are your favorites?

55 120

Gotta stay in the right environment, Jerry.

13 42

We all have that family member...or if you're Petunia, you ARE that family member.

13 23

Aren't they beautiful? 😍
Some structures.

51 101

All the inspiration from is spilling into today’s warm-up drawings...love it.

7 39

Happy Birthday, Petunia!!! 🎂 🎈This cake was made for endocytosis.

12 55

Even the microbes have something to be grateful for...

34 63

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium? There's some assumptions...#genetics

29 65

With Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, you do make a few assumptions...

16 20

Almost done with cartoons for the cell transport video! Then it will be aliiiiiiive!! \ ˚▽˚ /

0 1