
622 8245

inconsistent aris doodles from a few days ago to relax

6 37

아리스 귀여워!!!

+8월 서코 아크릴 예정!

58 183

로봇청소기 아리스~
8월 서코 토요일 나갑니다!

69 224

EN Translation by

Aris stop blaming your sister
You can't fool mama Yuuka
(Would KEY/KEI be the older or younger sibling....?)

영어 번역!
마지막 만화 번역을 잊은 것 같아요...
(히요리와 미쿠에 관한 것이었나요?)
내 잘못이야!
다음에 보자!

16 85

[EN Version]
Artist's Comment: The One Where Aris Climbs the Stairs to Adulthood


55 285

Karin and Asuna can take pride in making Aris so delighted! ^o^

1441 4332

[Official 4-Panel Manga] Ep. 82
The latest 4-panel manga brought to life by

Aris boosted her Appeal stat with a new skin! All she needs now is a manicure and she'll get a set bonus!

2837 8482