
Another couple of quick sketches for my gallery of 'Birds at '. I'm fond of coots with their blue-black-white plumage; they usually make me smile.

But I've rarely felt less like smiling than right now.

1 27

These dark times are wearing me down. Got my colours out and tried to capture some light. Northern Lights - a beautiful 📷 by Instagram

1 18

Migrating swans

I find it really hard to capture birds in flight convincingly, but here they are anyway, heading off, their great wings beating, honking calls fading overhead as they go...

5 41

# 8
Bass Rock Lighthouse
A vulcanic plug
Notoriously difficult to land, thus perfect place for a prison (15-17th)
Today home of - I didn't draw all
I'm jealous as I've never been

5 30