The adorable and fluffy dog Lulu is great to have around if you're looking for a cuddly companion!

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Ginger Cat Appreciation Day is a day to celebrate cats and their nine lives! This is James the fire ginger cat!

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We Love Memoirs Day is a chance to tell the world all about your cat! This Is Tsunanya the ocean spirit!

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We Love Memoirs Day! Cats are adorable, yes. But they are also fiercely loyal, independent and fiercely intelligent. We love cats, and we love memoirs. This is Biscuit the memoirs cat!

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Krystal is a sweet and fluffy white cat with a gorgeous crystal cave! She seems like a gremlin who wants to eat your soul, but she's an adorable cat!

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National Dog Day August 26 is National Dog Day! Here's a good reason to eat ice cream to celebrate! This is Woofy the dog ice cream!

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National Dog DayAugust 26 is National Dog Day! Here's a good reason to eat a toast to celebrate! This is Toasty the dog toast!

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National Banana Split Day is celebrated on august 25th! Bananas come in a large variety of sizes! Let's celebrate their deliciousness! This is Bananya the cat!

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The best part about Burger Day is you can keep it simple and delicious. And you don't even have to cook. This is Bourgir the burger cat!

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Pluto Demoted Day is an event created to celebrate the discovery of Pluto as piece of rock and to help people understand the importance of catkind? this is not Pluto but Anyaha the space floof !

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Astro is a cat that can use magic. He's a bit lazy, and his best buddy helps him with his studies! Round of applause for Astro the cat Astromancer!

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National Eat A Peach Day! The peachy aroma fills the air with is enough to turn his stomach into a roar! This is Taochu the cat!

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Water Quality Month! Most cat owners are aware that their pets drink water, but are less aware of the water quality their feline friends are drinking! This is Mizu the cat of the lake!

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Poet’s Day! Connect with your inner poet as you write poetry yourself, or read the beautiful words of poets of all ages! This is William the Poet cat!

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International Homeless Animals Day! Donate time or money to help homeless animals worldwide! This piece is call, Cat Home Dreaming.

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National Potato Day! Hashbrowns, fries, chips, baked or pureed potatoes, honour one of the most versatile and tasty tubers, the potato! This is yum yum the potato cat!

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International Orangutan Day! Learn and educate yourself about intelligent, beautiful, yet endangered primates known as orangutans! This is Lola the orangutan!

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National Couple’s Day! Love is not always easy, but when two people join forces to form a relationship, it can create a lot of fun! This piece is call Fluffy Passion!#coupleday

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National Fajita Day is the ideal time to celebrate this meowgical meal! This is Juan the Fajita cat !

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National Black Cat Appreciation Day! Cats in ancient Egypt were highly revered, partly because of their ability to fight pests like mice, rats. This is Gipson the black cat!

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