Have a peaceful night my dear friends, be safe and strong my great Ukraine 💙💛🤗!
Keep warm and love 😉!
"Rain drops are not synchronised yet they create that sound worth listening to"
Just sold 🎉, very grateful to the art collector from Australia.

44 86

Happy Friday my dear friends 💙💛☕🤗☃️📚!
"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers"
My new drawing "Bookworm"
Available for sale

51 100

Good Monday my dear friends ☕🤗! Be safe, be smile and be in love .
"No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn. Everything will be fine.
Kherson is Ukraine💙💛"
Available for sale

51 106

Good morning my dear friends! Time to drink coffee 😇☕🍩
"You are my sun on a gloomy day, like a lighthouse in a stormy sea. Thanks for all your care, time to get up💙💛!
Just sold 🎉, very grateful to the art collector from Netherlands🤗

27 71

Happy Weekend my dear friends ☕🌷🤗!
"You open your heart knowing that there's a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible"
My drawing "Mochaccino"

23 64

My best morning starts with u, to wake up and kiss ur beautiful sleepy eyes, listen your voice, to see ur charming smile, to have breakfast with u, that's what makes my best days
Just sold 🎊, very grateful to the art collector from UK

19 68

Vivez une vie colorée.
Soyez une source d'inspiration.
Apportez une joie inattendue, comme l'arc-en-ciel....

Purple aurora


4 21

Happy Friday my dear friends. Be safe, smile and in love 🤗🍁☀️💙💛!
"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for."
Sold 🎉, very grateful to the art collector from New Zealand!

10 41

Hello my dear friends, be safe, smile and be in love 🤗☕🍁☀️💙💛! Embrace Ukraine!
"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us"
Sold 🎊, very grateful to the artcollector from UK

21 55


addon by Flasheart : https://t.co/MaR9pUMccI

0 3

Happy Friday my dear friends 🤗👒! Embrace Ukraine 💙💛!
"Relax, recharge and reflect. Sometimes it's ok to do nothing"
My new drawing "Vacation time"
Available for sale in my Artfinder store

51 96

Good morning my dear friends ☕🤗💙💛! Live, love,dream!
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon seem inevitable"
My new drawing "Dreamer"
Available for sale

47 108

Good night and sweet dreams my dear friends 🤗😉💙💛!
"Waiting for the day we will meet again and enjoy that special time"
Love and be loved.💞
My new drawing "Awaiting"
Available for sale in my Artfinder and Etsy stores

37 110

Be safe, be brave, be smile my dear friends!
"Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming,after all,is a form of planning. So never stop believing in hope, miracles happened every day"
My new drawing "Splendid blonde"

42 105

Happy Friday my dear friends. Be brave like Ukraine💙💛🤗!
"Life is a magical journey, so travel endlessly to unfold its profound and heart touching beauty"
Sold tonight 🎉, very grateful to the art collector from US, thank you!

36 143

Happy summer time my dear friends 🤗☀️🍓🍒!
"Her soul belongs to summertime, graceful footsteps on warm sands. A heart that leaps in ocean waves,sea salt memory in her hands"
Just sold🎉, very grateful to the art collector from US 😉🤗!

31 76

Good night and sweet dreams my dear friends. Be safe my dear Ukraine 💙💛
"I love lace because it can be really feminine, sexy,or dark. There are so many ways to wear it, no matter what your style"
My new drawing "Wine and lace"
Available for sale

34 114

Good morning my dear friends 🤗☕💙💛!
"Don't be afraid of exploring ur sexuality, fantasies and desires. Embrace them. Love them. Make them urs. They are part of who u are"
My new drawing "Sexual magnetism" 30x45 cm
Available for sale

42 127

Every feathered friend is safe when Protector of Owls is swinging by! Created by E. (age 5) & designed by Cosmos Heroes.

0 2