Do you know how big Super Lane’s heart is? It’s BIG! That’s what inspires his superhero mission: to spread kindness and love around the world. Created by L. (age 6) & designed by Rosario Perez.

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Super Declan shows us that every child has the power to learn in their own way. Inspired by D. (age 5) & designed by Justine Evangelista.

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Riding the crest of a wave is Rainbow Riley - helping everyone be kind, leading by example & sharing her beautiful spirit with the world. Created by R. (age 13) & designed by Marietta Delene.

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Every feathered friend is safe when Protector of Owls is swinging by! Created by E. (age 5) & designed by Cosmos Heroes.

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I can finally share some of the pieces I’ve done in collaboration with which pairs artists with kids all around the world to draw them as their superhero persona!

Each one of these comes with an incredible story, and I hope to continue making many more.

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