A lazy concept art for environment and ecosystem on Triton.

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How can rocks and minerals help find signs of life? Join our "office lunch break" to learn more!

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Astronomers Say There Could Be 36 Communicating Extraterrestrial Civilizations in Milky Way

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back with my beasties!
I had to look up the map of Mars to find a name for this boyo, came up with Xanthian Beast, which is an area on Mars appearently.

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Action master , killing it on amazing commissions, his DOOM tribute comic IDKFA, his comic ERIS (see below), ASTROBIOLOGY (with writer ) and DRONES with me.


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Organic Molecules Discovered By Curiosity Rover Consistent With Early Life On Mars https://t.co/f8zNUt3DOK

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Redesigned my Venus frogs by studying vampire bats and tree frogs this time
Looks much more interesting now

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"Chase On Titan"
More fake screenshots of my babies because I feel incomplete when I dont draw them.
literally, I take one week break from them and start feeling numb.

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Astrobiology Behind the Scenes is here! 140 pgs of extra process material from my comic Astrobiology with et al. Designs, sketches, process shots, my full script. And an interview with an astrobiologist . https://t.co/w7pbuDTDVL

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Jumping Coyotes live in large packs, and they are the most skilled hunters on Titan.
They reach up to 100 km/h in savannah. They are the size of a dog, so they jump on their prey and bite it untill it bleeds out.

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Pisciraptor lives in Titans swamps, they walk on shallow lakes with their long legs and hunt fish.
Even though they have passive lifestyle, they are the fastest land creature there is, probably to run from larger predators.

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One of my favorite sequences from Astrobiology art by , colors by . You can buy the 34 page comic book digitally right now for 99 cents, as well as in physical form. There's always more to explore.



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More alien animal concepts, this time for venus.
A butterfly pelican and flying frog.
Life on Venus is only can only survive in air so they are all flyers.
Also they use their bright colors to attract opposite sex.

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I imagine that this alien is a parasite. Kind of like a cross between a virus and a mosquito. It lives in the atmosphere and uses buoyancy to float like a balloon until it can attach to the next host.

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Astrobiology update: the book is finished with the coloring phase, and is moving on to lettering soon. We’re hoping to have the book in your hands in October. Here’s a little preview of what we have in store for you. There’s always more to explore.

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THE ASTROBIOLOGY KICKSTARTER IS BACK! here's a pin-up for the penned, drawn series with colors by yours truly! Go to Seth’s profile for more information on how you can back this book!

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My pin-up for the launch of ASTROBIOLOGY’s from , and myself https://t.co/onOsh2WIPF Go check it out! go back it, because its good scifi!

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Astrobiology. Coming soon to kickstarter. Are you ready?

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