Commission for someone's avatar~

5 10

Morning warmup, Hero Queen Elice.

1 15

I just discovered a trick you can do to draw line art on a messy background.

0 1

The Daily Life of My 10 Merged Marth

, , & "Mikey"🙇‍♀️

34 96

FE4 Gen 2 Delmott/デルムッド

Fullsize and individual images available for FREE on my Patreon:

26 52

FE4 Gen 2 Lester/レスター

Fullsize and individual images available for FREE on my Patreon:

7 19

Next is my favorite couple.

FE4 Gen 2 Lana/ラナ

Fullsize and individual images available for FREE on my Patreon:

Please consider supporting and sharing this around!

9 21

Next we have two!

Larcei/ラクチェ and Ulster/スカサハ

Fullsize and individual images available for FREE on my Patreon:
Please consider supporting and sharing this around!

12 26

I was recently commissioned to draw every character from the second generation from the Geneology of the Holy War. This thread is dedicated to that goal.

Full size available on my Patreon:

Seliph! セリス! [1/24]

22 56

I haven't shared some of my OCs so I'm going to try making more original illustrations I can in the meantime. This is the first pass of one of my characters, codename blackheart. Post will go live in two days but you can view it here early.

0 2

I made a good bit of artwork that'll be uploaded on the 8th for but you can view it early if you're a patron. Little as a buck a month really helps me out. I can't wait to show it to everyone!

1 5

The evolution of Astram's addition in this coming chapter cover is just the TV tropes definition of "Ascended Extra".

0 6

Forgive me if this was slow.

18 69

A warm-up of the battle suit I want more then anything.

2 3

I struggle to draw Linde still

3 6