I am Bibliophilla, Giantess of the Library. I dwell in the Bodleian where I protect ancient books. My would-be slayer is censorship.


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26 July 1588: Martin Frobisher commander of the 'Triumph' one of the four 'great ships’ is knighted at sea for his action against the Armada flagship, the 'San Martin' (BM/Bodleian)

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The Four Evangelists
Bodleian Library MS. Laud Lat. 26; Gospels; 10th century; France, Brittany; ff.10v, 37v, 54v, 82r

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A London Herbal introduces her new book The Domestic Herbal, Plants for the Home in the Seventeenth Century published by the Bodleian Library on 26th June | ht https://t.co/uG2p7M15wf

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So apparently today is the Well, here's Boney dancing à la russe. (Credit Bodleian Libraries, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license https://t.co/cJLJh8WxlE)

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Hto-kwin-hto-thee. Tattooing, anonymous, Bodleian Library https://t.co/3RGSlAaNel (Palette: 🖌🎨

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I love those particular illlustrations. My new version of Reynard is being published in October by the Bodleian, but it's based on Caxton and the Dutch tradition. https://t.co/wig4jpaakI

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A bull fight (II), anonymous, Bodleian Library https://t.co/IS4HwznP0F (Palette: 🖌🎨

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In a time of crisis, Mr Squirrel says "Nibble your nuts".

Bodleian Library MS. Douce 366, f.36r.

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Warp making for weaving, anonymous, Bodleian Library https://t.co/x78Tq6NbR4 (Palette: 🖌🎨

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New Year's Eve feast, anonymous, Bodleian Library https://t.co/1rzw7zdtB0 (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Burmese carpenter (IV), anonymous, Bodleian Library https://t.co/Pwvbj77h7J (Palette: 🖌🎨

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3 Jan 1625: d. Christopher Hampton Church of Ireland Archbishop of James Ussher Bishop of was nominated his successor on the 29th - one of James VI & I's very last appointments and a rare promotion at this level for a born Protestant (Bodleian)

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I love how medieval depictions of God resting on the seventh day varied from Him sitting there quietly to full-on napping.

(BL, MS Egerton 1894, f. 1v; Bodleian Library, MS. Bodl. 270b, f. 005v)

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O-thain-tha-ma. Potters, anonymous, Bodleian Library https://t.co/QVdzkcDsh6 (Palette: 🖌🎨

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We're getting spoiled by lately. Another recent addition to Digital Bodleian from their collections is this 1456 manuscript copy of Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics, produced in Ferrara by Matteo Contugi of Volterra: https://t.co/ZbnihsUVyR

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from 'The Tudor Pattern Book', England ca. 1520 Bodleian Library, MS. Ashmole 1504, fol. 40v

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What is there not to love! St Augustine, Charlemagne, nuns of Chelles and so much more.

Check our newly digitized manuscript from

(images: Bodleian Library MS. Laud Misc. 126, f. 87v)

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