OTD 1599 Capt Humfrey Willis proposed forts in Ulster, inc. Derry, Lifford, Armagh & Toome. His incursion into Fermanagh sparked war in 1593. Fought throughout but killed in mopping up op. summer 1602. So crucial at the start, his passing went almost unremarked

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Michael Boyle died 10 December, 1702.

Archbishop of Dublin 1663-79
Archbishop of Armagh 1679-1702
Lord Chancellor of Ireland 1665–86


See A. Coleman's PhD thesis 'The Career of Michael Boyle, Archbishop and Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1660-86'

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17 Sept 1635: Archbishop James Ussher writes to the Dean of Armagh & Professor of Greek at Basel, James Frey about revenues and manuscripts, ending with this elegant phrase: "I conclude and commend your God-pleasing concerns to the Son of God".

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OTD 1650 Sir Charles Coote's parliamentarian army opened siege around Charlemont Fort, Co Armagh. Phelim O'Neill commands garrison of 150 men. Artillery was brought to bear against the works but the fort was a tough nut to crack & took 6 weeks to make an assailable breach

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8 June: St Muirchú. Author 7th C The Life of St Patrick. Survives in 4 copies; 3 partial versions in Europe, & 1 in Ireland (Book of Armagh in )! Sources included Patrick's Confessio & Epistle. Signatory of Adomnán's Law of Innocents in 697 https://t.co/Kccy02D2yx

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Casimir Armaghan, Myrkul cleric and eventual lich mercenary

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16. Armagh is a Donkey

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A formidable fortification built to defeat Tyrone was Charlemont Fort (Co. Armagh) on the R. Blackwater. Built to the modern trace Italienne design. Lord Mountjoy built it in 1602 to secure the route to Dungannon & sidestep Tyrone’s well-nigh impregnable defences further up river

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CyberPunk City by Shubham Baakre via /r/Cyberpunk by u/ karmagheden

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Night out by Daniel Vasevski via /r/Cyberpunk by u/ karmagheden

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Truth Be Told by


Publishing April 2022 from

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OTD 1597 As Norreys gathered forces to break through to the garrison in Armagh, Tyrone suddenly relented, allowing English to pass. The earl had deliberately drawn the English out of Connacht, clearing Red Hugh O'Donnell's path to raid all the way to Galway suburbs

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day 11 of TheTwelveDays of Christmas readings our guest is Michael Longley…Portrait of Michael by artist ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁦⁦

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OTD 1599 Enfant terrible Capt Humfrey Willis proposed plot of forts in Ulster, inc. Derry, Lifford, B'shannon, Cavan, Armagh, C'fergus, Coleraine and Toome. His incursion into Fermanagh sparked war in 1593. Fought throughout but killed in mopping up op. summer 1602

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17. Armagh is a Donkey. Everyone’s friend

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11 Nov: St Martin of Tours (d 397) 3rd bishop of Ex-soldier. Cut cloak in 2, to give 1/2 to beggar wearing rags in winter. Some believe St Patrick was his nephew (through mum Conchessa)! Biography by Sulpicius Severus in Book of Armagh! Animals killed in Ireland!

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Most Rev Narcissus Marsh (20 Dec 1638-2 Nov 1713). CofI Bishop of Ferns & Leighlin, Archbishop of Cashel, Dublin, Armagh! Provost (encouraged study Irish). Founder (1st public Irish)! Lord Justice x6! Dublin Philosophical Society. https://t.co/6BhW1j3j97

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4004 BC: According to The Most Rev James Ussher/Usher (4 Jan 1581-21 March 1656), CofI Archbishop of Armagh & Primate of ALL Ireland⛪️, creation happened at around 6pm! It was so accepted, it was printed with the book of Genesis!🎨Michelangelo 🌍🦖🦕 https://t.co/sG5eEQAoaZ

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