A few of today’s notable baseball birthdays: Al Hrabosky, Dave Henderson, Johnny Evers

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There's nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.-Stephen

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“He’s a wallflower. You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand.” Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower by John Larriva

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Welcome to the island of misfit toys

Stephen Chbosky

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マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (300)
「お察しの通り。これがやりたかったのです」by niebosky

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マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (285)
「久々に上手く描けたんだもーん!」by niebosky 

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マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (269)
「えーっ!また似顔絵描くの?(そんな問題じゃないか)」by niebosky

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マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (168)
「あれっ?このBIGのCM、どこかで観たような? 」by niebosky

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マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (161)
プログレ・ポチ袋 「プリントして使おう!きっと嫌われるゾッ!」by niebosky

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マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (160)
プログレ・ポチ袋 「便乗です」by niebosky

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マンガ XtremeTricksyCats (149)
「誰だよっ!メンバー7人にしようって言った奴!描くの大変なんだぞっ!」by niebosky

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