A Charizard/Caterpie Fusion I made earlier

(Posted by PaldeaWooper: https://t.co/AU8vk0c1I1)

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Do you think Caterpie tastes like a gummy worm?

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Pikachu and Caterpie.

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Shiny Caterpie, Metapod, and Butterfree

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Pokedex: 010 - 011 - 012
"Caterpie Line Evolution"

Bueno chamacos como esta linea evolutiva estuvo ez me di el lujo de hacerlos shiny y hasta le puse su parejita al Butterfree, como sea feliz 14 de febrero :3

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Caterpie Evolution Fusion 💚
Caterpie + Metapod + Butterfree = Meh.

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MPM06 Preview:
* Pikachu blasts off with Team Rocket
*Seems like it's gonna be mostly him, Meowth and a random Caterpie
* Ash, Misty and Brock will run around trying to get to him
* Misty with her hair down after centuries 😍

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Caterpie's Gen III dex entries 😳😳

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Pikachu and Caterpie at night


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Caterpie gijinka line $10 each!

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I’m too lazy to shade caterpie

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Decided to go with 2 Dragonite illustrations. Left with caterpie May 2021 and mermaid dragonite May 2022. To be honest I’m not sure if I improved much in the last year.

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Still learning to draw. Today's art for "Gotta Sketch 'em All" was Caterpie!

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The good thing about this starter... It fully evolved pretty much immediately!

The flame on caterpie grows causing it to burn up and collapse in on itself, from the ashes rises butterfree

Screw any of you that thought this one would die immediately haha

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Caterslash - Pokemon fusion Caterpie + Sandslash

finally caterpie is useful

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90s Anime Pokémon Gijinka:
Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree

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