Lime-chan sees yah! She’s wondering if you like the game design thing from the previous posts. Lmao 🤣 👌 Ahuehuehuehue ^___^

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Here’s a fun little experiment I did. Kinda like a dress-up mini game interface. Been seeing some amazing game interface aesthetic and I love it!

She’s my oc and goes by her nickname Lime-chan. Her full name is Lime Makkuro.

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Finally here’s the colored version! I’ve always been fascinated with miniatures. They’re so cute and adorable! It’s a constant battle drawing portraits or cute stuff.. waaah! (*´꒳`*)

I hope you like it, mah dudes!💚🍀

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Mah dudes, we’ve come to the final mini Isabelle cosplay series!! She’s the third sushi gijinka and her name is Hikaru. Finally got the chance to draw her without the glow!
One thing I can confirm about this series is that Isabelle will always look adorable!

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Halloooo!!!! Who’s in for salmon sushi? Hehe ^__~ No, my Mikan is not a food, nope! lmao 🤣 look at them both being adorable though! HahaxD Isabelle looks so cute!🍀

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