Characteruary 10: Princess of Other Kingdom

She's part of a desert kingdom with many different ecosystems, and is the ruler of all subjects

She's not too nice to outsiders, but is happy to help you on your journey, maybe even bestowing you her ancient weapons

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Characteruary 9: Princess of the home kingdom

Not only is she your ruler, she's your best assist

She gives you the maps for the quests

She gives you the weapons

She even will help you out on your quest as a warrior too

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Characteruary 8: Creepy Wise Man

He will teach you techniques on how to fight using a long sword from his basement

enough said

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Characteruary 7: Warrior's Rival

Not a bad guy, not a jackass, but you're rival on your quest

You 2 won't duel to the death, but she will be competition for your quest

Deep down, she cares for you, and want's to be your support so badly

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Characteruary 6: Warrior's Needed Sidekick

Need a sidekick


How about a sidekick who can give you epic items you need, can swim into dangerous watering holes, and gives no rat's ass about the authority

Then you need this sidekick

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Characteruary 5: Warrior's Forced Sidekick

Need a sidekick


well too bad, this guy will ruin your adventure in minutes with his comic relief, his antics, and his fat bod

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Characteruary 4: Warrior's Magical Sword

They're your weapon

They're a smart ass

and they give off that aura that says, "You've gotta slay something!!!"

just hope you have a case for that sword

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Characteruary 3: Pretentious Warrior

He's a righteous warrior, but he thinks he knows everything

He may hold a very heavy boulder, but he's not doing it for the kingdom

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Characteruary 2: Wimpy Warrior

He can't pick up a rock and bust someone's captains quarters, but he's still a great warrior, in his heart

Just don't call him Link

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Characteruary 1: Brave Warrior

Since I'll be doing option 3 for Characteruary

I've got a prompt everyday that I'll work with

Here we got a Brave Warrior who will stop at no cost to fight the evil, and do the kings orders

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