Characteruary 30: Serious Bad Guy

If at first he doesn't succeed, he puts the entire world into another dimension and discombobulate the inhabitants to kingdom come

He's a very skilled destroyer of worlds, and will make sure you fail at saving your kingdom

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Characteruary 29: Forced Bad Guy

Big beefy bod, Choker bracelets, and gnarling stare give this Minotaur like creature the characteristics of a bad guy, yet he did nothing wrong?

He's just seen as a bad guy because y'all are so judgmental and associate Minotaur with brutes

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Characteruary 28: First Sign of Judgement Day

What better to tell you the end is near than a Bloody masked, unwashed amputee who hasn't took a shower in years

He has no intention of harm or revenge, but he tells when the world will end and approves it too

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Characteruary 27: Jerk Villager

If being a jerk was personified, than this is what he'd look like

He's not evil or anything, but he sure is stubborn and insulting, even when you're not doing anything

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Characteruary 26: Nasally Villager

In your home town, He's the type of person who'd ask a lot of questions, have meaningful conversations, and even write in his editorials

He has many jobs, but nose jobs aren't one of them

he does look familiar though

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Characteruary 25: The Puppetmaster

He can do literally anything with the ability to control people, places, or things

He could control you and make you do stuff for him, no strings attached but his own

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Characteruary 24: Cave Dweller

With his dirty pale skin and his backwards hands, the Cave Dweller lurks in the caves for a friend

He's no creepazoid, but he is very lonely and sleep deprived

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Characteruary 23: Pirate Kid

When you least expect it, this kid will come in and help you steal the enemy ships

Despite her small appearance, she has grandiose bandit skills and maximum stealth

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Characteruary 22: The Stubborn Captain

Lawsuit-ly similar, but very stubborn and stern in nature

It's either his way or no way with this guy, and don't you dare try to take his map

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Characteruary 21: Angry Mermaid

Don't you ever mess with this mermaid or it's tail, She could devour a school of fish in seconds

Somehow though, she has no plans to break your fingers, if only she could just run to you

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Characteruary 20: Forest Mage

She has no strong feeling about anything, but she has the power of the forest and the elements on her side

Very shy and blind, but also very easy to be friends with

Just don't remove her blindfold

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Characteruary 19: Ice Mage

Possesses Ice Powers and can keep a cooler head than most people

She's the type of person who'd prank phone call you multiple times, and even throw a deez nuts joke here and there, a really fun person to freeze around

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Characteruary 18: Fire Mage

Conjurer of flames, and beholder of high temperatures

She cats flames on her enemies, and has a smile that says "I hacked into your accounts in your sleep"

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Characteruary 17: The Queen

Not the Queen you expected, but she is the foreseer of when evil will strike, your aid, and a very powerful sorceress guardian

She barely jumps, and would rather just relax in her rocking chair and listen to Wii music

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Characteruary 16: The King

He rules over all, he takes part in politics, and puts mental health first

peace is what he strives for

to avoid copyright, he calls himself The KiIng

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Characteruary 15: Annoying Fairy

She may be a good help to your quest for advice

but she is very annoying

"use the arrow" she says
"grab the gem" she says
"talk to the villagers" she says

If nagging was a sport, she'd win a gold medal year round

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Characteruary 14: Waist of time owl

Do you want to go on a quest right now, well too bad

the owl will never let you go unless you listen to his hour long description of your adventure

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Characteruary 13: The Gatekeeper

Always obsessed with his key, he will guard anything

literally anything

but you best not steal his key

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Characteruary 12: Monster Master

Bad Social skills with human, but good social skill with monsters

This girl is banned from the city because of her ability to tame monsters and understand them

as crazy as she is, It's people she can't stand in the end

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Characteruary 11: Princess of Bad Kingdom

She rules her kingdom with an iron fist

She's not evil though, but she doesn't care about you and your battle with evil

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