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Design: twitter @GPrime85
#武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #全黨死清光 #chinaliedpeopledied
《奧運毒王》<Olympic Virus King>
by twitter @Cian_Ci
#习翠翠 #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #Uyghurs #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #UyghurGenocide #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
By IG @hongkongprotestposters
Everyone in Hong Kong hates #XinnieThePooh
#ChinaLiedPeopleDied #光復香港時代革命 #StandWithHongKong #FreeHongKong #支共暴政 #共匪 #中共極權 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡
It is not hate, it is justice! 💪🏻😷🇦🇷
#ChiniseVirus #CCPVirus
@UNWatch @HelenClarkNZ During the pandemic, WHO put more effort on defending China than actually protecting the health of global citizens. It's manipulated by #CCP and they must be accountable for causing the #WuhanVirus pandemic. #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #WHOLiedPeopleDied #COVID19
#多鵸 #toki_cheung #武漢肺炎 #CCPVirus #CCP_is_terrorist #FreeHongKong #WuhanCoronaVirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
#小粉紅 #ACAC
#WuhanVirus #COVID19 #ChinaMustPay #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus
China, NMSL. Are you a Nmslese?
#china #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
#nnevvy #chinavirus
China let the world on fire so many recovered from COVID-19 but the question is how, also why the test kits are kuch inaccurate, #ChineseVirus
#ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaLiedPeopleDie
The memes and cartoons have been unforgiving.