攻呀攻快搶檬! 食呀食~蓮花吧~~~
死得早~記得火化~ 打三針都會瓜~~

詞: 茶色金魚

15 35

The Chinese CCP is going to pay heavily for its crimes against humanity ! Karma hits harder than anything in this World.

3 8

Autonomous Region is terms of Chinese propaganda, in reality Tibetan people has zero freedom, so it’s under illegal occupation, support full independence as other our Bros & sisters do. Thank you 🙏

19 29

武漢肺炎又爆發,多得林鄭唔封關!手足們記住要洗手戴口罩,做足防疫準備,made in china嘅嘢唔啱我哋㗎,留返俾愛國藍絲同Popo慢慢享用啦!

2 9

Do you know that banned all only allow those who working for Chinese Propaganda, is one of them, we don't want who selling Tibetans.

13 16

Sadly, has been completely wasted on the shutdown...

0 0

The only bat involved with is 'bat sh*t crazy' who refuses to refund the depleted so can survive.

1 1

香港人最鐘意做冇成本既野 25號到期 簽左佢



56 56

Chinese abusing and threatening to kill Nigerian diplomat who came in rescue of Africans that where pursued outside of their homes for bringing Corona Virus to China. Chinese said the virus originated from Africa.

1875 2279

China let the world on fire so many recovered from COVID-19 but the question is how, also why the test kits are kuch inaccurate,

129 231


4 4

People are dying from in and for God to save them.
The world,human being are so stupid to keep silence over war against humanity.

247 404

The next time you see a doctor/nurse, say thank you, with a smile.

238 782