She might be cute but her attitude is sharp.

I'm always open for feedback and critiques. The audience sees things that the artist can't just because they're too engrossed in their work. Feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a DM

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Artist Note: When working in layers, experiment with blending modes. There are many different effects that can be achieved to add that extra umph to your work.

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You might think you're slick but someone always catches on to your tricks.

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I tried to have a little more fun with the coloration of this one.

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Even if most don't see your effort, the time you put into your work will pay off in the long run.

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I have gained much more appreciation for those that take the time to actually think about their wardrobe.

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I personally have no experience with putting on make up. However, it adds a lot more flair to my work so, I suppose that's something else to my list of "Things to Practice"

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There's still so much I can improve upon but, I was generally satisfied with the way this one turned out.

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I'm only about 2/3 finished with a piece by the time I get through with the base color. As I've matured as an artist, I look for what I can add to push my art. While I do minimal shading, I've been exploring more textures.

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Believe it or not, I think this is probably only the second time I've drawn boots. They were quite fun although there was a lot more detail I could have included.

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The flat color layer is generally a low stress pass for me. However, I'm amazed at how much more the texture and shading passes add to the overall image.

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I spent a bit more time with this one exploring different texture brushes. Every piece is an opportunity to push myself a bit farther.

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I've been trying to find the happy medium between detail and minimalism in my work. It has been enjoyable exploring what works and doesn't work for me.

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"You are a canvas, dare to fashion yourself a masterpiece that invokes thoughts in others."
I feel extremely pleased with these less complex characters. Perhaps, it's the same reason I love cartoons. Very little can convey so much.

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"Don't give up, you'll find your people."
I enjoyed this one for the smaller details. I've not done much experimenting with textures so moving forward I want to add more.

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Although this one is rather basic, I created it while in a rather chipper mood. Sometimes, my is just a way to encapsulate my feelings at that moment.

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As you can see, I work in three general stages. While I may have an image in my mind when I start, the final image always comes out different because I have new ideas as I progress.

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I know some may be too young to remember I.C.P. and the Juggalo movement. Clowns might be intimidating or even frightening to some; they always fascinated me though. Here is before and after the face makeup is applied.

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There is something about glasses that I find enjoyable. Certain aspects of this one could have been pushed more but I've been teaching myself to be ok with imperfections.

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“El Borracho” Designing this character was straightforward. I have never put done colored scruff on a character before so I am quite pleased with the final product.

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