I spent the majority of my time on "A Man Nowhere" working the texture and shading phases. My advice to those who are just starting to add texturing to their If you find something that works, continue to try other things. You may surprise yourself.

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This particular was one that took longer than most. Those familiar with my style have seen how I attempt to use minimal line work to convey detail. Many times during the initial I struggled on decided the level of detail.

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"FaceOff Hoodie"- now available on
I'm a big fan of and the style of So of course I had to incorporate my into one of my pieces. The link to all of the "Outliers' Alley" collection is in the thread or within my bio.

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Everyone in the can relate to having a long day. My newest piece "Bushed" has been listed on .


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I enjoy creation because there's always a developing in the back of my mind. With the "Outliers' Alley" collection, I wanted to celebrate what makes people unique and steop outside my comfort zone.

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For those in the who haven't heard, "Outliers' Alley" is my genesis collection and an intro to my style.

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I decided to give a free software on Google Play a try. Not exactly a fan of how hard it can be to move from frame to frame but, it's definitely something that can be fun to use when making gifs or simple clips. I might have to create a few for fun

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Because you’ve got to believe in yourself and rock your own style

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It's ok to be serious but, don't take yourself too seriously.
The journey I've taken in creating these has helped expand my love of and the world around me. The has a wonderful place to share my passion and I appreciate all of you for it.

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For those of you that have seen my process before, I'm sure you're aware that these two steps are a great way for me to ensure that I'm conveying texture and form.

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On some back street, the first 10 of my genesis collection, “Outliers Alley”, are now listed check out the link below or see my bio to get your hands on the hardcover signed book and one of these exclusive


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24 hours!
I'll be listing the first set of pieces for my genesis collection "Outliers Alley". Don't miss your chance at getting 1 of the 100 and score a signed hardcover book of the entire collection.

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2 days, that’s 48 hours.
My collection “Outliers’ Alley” begins listing on
This will consist of 100 pieces, all will include a hardcover signed artbook sent to the holders after the last 10 are listed.

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Paying attention to how clothes fit and move with the human form adds to the depth of detail you can bring to your work. The mundane nuances of life speak volumes in

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What started as a fun night ended in tears, sore feet, and a long walk home.

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Base color is the halfway point for me in these pieces. The stuff that makes a piece pop comes after.

removing colors is a good way to tell where volume has been clearly defined and if values are too similar.

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Not every piece you create will feel like a home run to you. When you feel this way, ask others for a critique. Their perspective might give you some new ideas or help you realize you have achieved the desired goal.

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When I began this collection, I started with base colors and minimal shading. Over the last 4 months, I have started adding all the things I learned over the years while finishing pieces faster. Practice creates improvement.

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Try to be fast and loose when you sketch. Sometimes a can be good for capturing emotions, general composition, or simply getting your mind into a creative space.

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Don't be afraid to use multiple layers to achieve the texture you are looking for. In the real world, texture is a blend of multiple things.

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