I looove the !

I think it's so well detailed and so Conan like. It reminds me of the things my dad used to read when I was a kid!

2 11

This is my third choice for today!
I usually love string female characters.

1 10

I probably shouldn't say that "out loud", but I'm NOT a Spidey fan. Never been. Sorry, World!

But everybody's talking about right now (for good reason), so I decided I'd give another go.

Any advices?

1 15

And here I am asking for opinions again! I've downloaded this pieces and I'd love to know what's your views about them, if you have one!

2 6

RJ’s 10 second Comic Review
Comic: Outlawed (#Marvel)
Rating in current year quality
Rating in a healthy industry
Price: $ 4. 99
Note: Writer: Eve Ewing, Artist: Kim Jacinto

2 3

Comics and Book reviewers. You should have got a link to Rolled a One from in your inbox, if you've not and for some weird reason aren't on the list. Ping me and we'll forward you the email and link.

8 10