Hello, cutie pies!

I am heeere today!
I've been listening to Iron Maiden so much, I decided to keep reading this fan service book 😂

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And I'm about to continue my Chrononauts journey.

Crazy time travel ride here!

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Of course it's a sad story. I'm trying to prepare myself for this, because I KNOW I'll suffer! But yes, I'll definitely keep reading it!

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Now I wanna talk about my thoughts on so far.

First of all, you're all right when said I should read it in trades. It makes the pace way better! So, thank you for that!

Well, from what I've read so far, it IS a slow burn indeed!

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So, I just finished Copra's 1st issue. Well, I liked it! It's a fast and dynamic read.

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Let's begin the day, shall we?

I couldn't finish Copra before (too many stuff on the way), so now I'll try it again!

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Nailbiter is pretty good. Well, at least this first issue.

I love how they set the heavy and dark tone right on the beginning! That happens not only with the writing and the plot, but the dark eerie as well!

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Heard good things about this one.

I'll take a look, but it's definitely something my best friend would like! 😂

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You should be proud of me!
I've gone through the first volume!

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So, LOTS of people talking about HAHA. Only seeing good things.

What can I expect from it? Sadness? Fear?

I hate clowns, btw. 😂

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Okay, so now that I have time, I can talk about this 1st issue.

I chose that one because, well, I'm a geek. That's it.
I actually REALLY liked it. You guys know I see analogies everywhere and that issue was there perfect analogy about growing up to me!

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I'm in desperate need to read something light.

This seems fun!

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I've been wanting to read this for a loooong time.

Shakespeare + There's no other way for this to get better!

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Ok, I feel we are in need of some relief from yesterday. So, back to

This gave me Speed Racer vibes. And God knows I LOVE Speed Racer. 😂

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That's me, introducing myself properly to Spawn.


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One of the things I think it's realky interesting on both issues is that Mark is still discovering how things work on earth and, at the same time, he's discovering himself.

It's a true journey!

You know I LIVE for a good analogy, right?


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So let's talk about the two first issues: both just amazing!

I'm a huge Black Hammer universe fan, y'all know and my expectations were definitely high on this one!

And I wasn't disappointed at all.

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I've only heard good things about Planetary.

It was free on , so I couldn't resist and decided to give it a try!

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