There's still time to join the Choir of the Underworld! Post your video on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter before Friday, August 21 with the hashtags and for your chance to be featured in LongGrief’s song!

Find more details at!

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“I do not envy you, mourner. And yet — I do not admire you. You have forged your own fate. I am simply The Executioner.”

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Emerging in the Mortal Realm: Court of the Dead's Dark Harvest.

Do you have what it takes? Find out now:

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The angels? Why they made all that they see before you - this throne, a wingless fledgling, and their coming defeat!

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I feel the spark of greatness surge within me. Those who seek to squander my abilities are unwise to test my patience.

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Smile and be merry, for you’re dead, my dearies! Join us in HushHyde, where stray spirits abide!

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Not all things in The Underworld came there naturally, but all things that stay have intentions...

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It would be simpler to kiss a dreadsbane-ridden Baelreiver than to escape the assassins of the Conclave of Shadows.

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Great structures built on the backs of the strong fade into obscurity, then fade into The Wallows...

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Gallevarbe's motives are not an enigma, but she is, nevertheless, puzzling.

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"What do you remember of your life, mourners? Tell all tell all in the Theaters of Memories!"

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We fight for something greater than ourselves, greater than life itself. We fight for Death.

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A quilt is made from assorted materials. We are all quilts in Illverness…we must use our materials wisely!

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Mortal emotions are raw and rare. Just one morsel and you shall understand my desire...

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