Bornean Banded Langur
80 Days - Day 32

They look as if they haven't slept in months. They are hunted and 80% or more of their habitat is gone mainly because of palm oil

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Charles Darwin's Frog
Around the World in 80 Days - day 27

These are from 2 small areas of North and South Andaman Islands. There are several colour morphs, this is based on 1

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Baer's Pochard
Around the World in 80 Days - Day 26
Another bird that migrates from Russia down to our route around the world, passing Thailand now. Fewer than 700 may be left.

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Egyptian Toryoise
Around the World in 80 days - day 7 - Egypt

Tiny little tortoise up to 5 inches long. May be extinct in Egypt or close to it, a small number still in Lybia.

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Northern Muriqui

They are a wooly spider monkey, and also known as the hippie monkey. They don't fight each other, and they have group hugs in the morning...really!

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Great Lake Giant Limpet

Looks a bit like the sorting hat to me. Possibly extinct, rarely seen and only in the stomachs of non-native trout in something like 50 years

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I really fell down on the job here. I forgot to post two days in a row. I can forget what I'm doing while I'm doing it!

The males can get funky shredded horns after they turn 3

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Glyptotermes scotti

Well I am not doing great at posting right now. Too stressed with Christmas stuff. Pest week from yesterday, gotta have a termite.

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Alcorn's Pocket Gopher

Whew, I started painting this so late but finished in time! 3rd "pest painting"

Tons in the late 90's, but none found at all in 2002. Thought a nuisance by farmers.

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Bavarian Pine Vole

Another "but wait...I thought those were extinct!" animal, and 2nd that most people think are a pest. Researcher who "rediscovered" them said it is a sausage with legs

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Javan Rhinoceros

On behalf of a wildlife photographer I admire who would love to photograph these. Only about 74 left, but more than there were just a few years ago.

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Chinese Puffer

Though they are adorable all ballooned up I didn't want to paint it like that. It isn't fun or good for them and means they felt threatened.

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Table Mountain Ghost Frog

Continuing Halloween themed week. This is a 2 for 1...eye of newt, toe of frog and ghost in its name. I'm thinking this frog is from Macbeth.

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Green-eyed Bushfrog
At a 4x6 there is no way I could do the eyes justice unless that was pretty much all that was in the painting. I may do a bonus eye painting later today. Can't believe I've made it to 50!

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I am still new to Twitter so I forget to post. I'm going to post the rest of the week of lemurs in groups to help get myself caught up more.

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Gerp's Mouse Lemur
I did a whole week of lemur paintings. Starting with a tiny one, they weigh only a couple ounces. Again, an "in progress" drawing phase and the finished painting

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