It's just a Bunny, Crusin' around, :P

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i was crusing my old art on fb looking for hs sprites and found this drawing i did of my f!hawke from da2 (my first one anyway) and i found a comment from my cousin lisa kay who is now deceased and it made me feel real warm. thank you, lisa kay, i miss you.

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Meeting and crusing around at gamescom with you :3

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day 18 is Tokoyami as a Grim Reaper. He & Darkshadow just crusin for souls.

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Hello, Taiwan friends!
~ Night Crusing🍸 in Taiwan
let's enjoy citypop on next sunday!
quite small place, please hurry if you want my new sticker!
8/26, PM7:00-11:00 Another Brick
300TWD +1 Free Drink

poster by

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5/18(金) THE CRIBS来日東京公演@代官山UNIT👶

5/19(土) りんご音楽祭 10years Kick Off パーティー 名古屋編@新栄CLUB MAGO/Live & Lounge Vio🍎

5/26(土) shimokitazawa SOUNDCRUSING🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️


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*2nd Prize - Game Tengoku Clarice Bomb Illustration Contest!* Congratulations to the winner! Clarice is now a playable character in the JP version of Game Tengoku CrusinMix!

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just added this ''CRUSING AGAIN'' to my Number 1 online portfolio white series ink on paper

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Keishi Tanaka & fox capture plan[透明色のクルージング]"the CRUSING tour"

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DC’s ‘Hanna-Barbera Beyond’ Will Remix and Reimagine Classic Characters

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Cartoon: Three days three nights sailing to Gove. Salt encrusted but happy.

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