Decided to do one more entry for . This time a bit more 3D and slightly realistic. In theme to my CryptoGem series. I give you Crystal Alpaca in Color. Go Join to vote. Thanks

1 1

⚜day 3/5 500 DOGE$ giveaway

Day 3

Easy rules:
-like and retweet
-tag 3 friends

A community of crypto enthusiasts & share our passion and knowledge with each other for a better tomorrow

3 more winners to come

29 33

⚜5 x 500 DOGE$ giveaway

Easy rules:
-like and retweet

CryptoGEMS- pioneers of the new economy
A community of crypto enthusiasts & share our passion and knowledge with each other for a better tomorrow

👍5 winners in 5 days👍

60 62

⚜5 x 500 DOGE$ giveaway

Easy rules:
-like and retweet

CryptoGEMS- pioneers of the new economy
A community of crypto enthusiasts & share our passion and knowledge with each other for a better tomorrow

👍5 winners in 5 days👍

70 82