This is my Nana’s advice for when things get a bit wobbly in life. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.


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7. Little Green Cafe
📍เกาะสมุย สุราษฎร์ธานี
📦 40 เซต
🌟เครื่องดื่ม 1 แก้ว หรือขนม 1 ชิ้น ต่อของที่ระลึก 1 เซต
🗓 22.09.63 - จนกว่าของจะหมด

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Tea is like a hug, just in a cup. Gentle custom cursor with a happy tea bag and a cute cup of tea.

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Trying my hand at the pixel art medium again.

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Wonderful followers I'm afraid you're going to have to get used to my tea-drinking, mug-sketching addiction!
and wash

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“When tea becomes it takes its place at the of our ability to see greatness in small things.” ~Muriel Barbery, The of the Hedgehog

“#Books, and a of Dasidaria Hardcastle (

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J'espère que c'est cette femme qui a inventé le petit déjeuner au lit. Encore une héroïne oubliée. ♡

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