This is precisely what comes to my mind every time I look at these panels.
Also, what they've done to Cyke in the last ten years... sigh... that's why it hurts my soul so badly. And what they did to him after they brought him back to life is even more painful. ⬇️

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Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Brisson/Rosenberg's Cyke is not the real Cyke, just as Hickman's Cyke in his SW was not the same Bendis' Cyke, so he's not the real one. Scott isn't a mercenary doing the NSA's dirty work, and that thing w Hank and the phoenix egg was just bs.

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Then, when his younger self brought his father back from the dead, he did the same as the other X-Men, treating Cyke like a nut, omitting the fact that he himself had forced Scott to go to war against the Avengers to protect Hope, ensuring that she would become the Phoenix.

1 5

Getting haters pissed off is one of the most fun things on this App. I love how they say we should just chill and get over what the x-office has done to Cyke, but then they get pissed when we talk about their fav charac the same way they've been talking about Cyke all these yrs.

1 3

Also, this gentleman says that Cyke was effectively a Magneto-type villain from 2012-15, but all Scott did was save Mutants, fighting police and state violence. In other words, fighting for civil rights is evil, but Krakoa's Manifest Destiny ideology is okay. Riiight. 😏

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Hypocrisy sucks, and it's no accident that this bunch of hypocrites love this Krakoa era so much. They are as hypocritical as Xavier, Beast, Iceman, Storm, Logan, Havok, Kitty and everyone else who dragged Cyke through the mud.

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being even comparable to Apocalypse, Red Skull and H%tler himself. Well, maybe if Cyke had allied himself with N, he'd have been considered a great hero and visionary leader, right? Surely Logan, Storm, Hank, Xavier and all the hypocrites on Krakoa would have supported him.😏

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These characters are so ruined for me that I really wouldn't care if what Marvel did to Cyke over the last 10 years will also be done to them, starting with Beast. I look at Hank and just wish he could be totally ruined, killed off-panel and hated by everyone in the MU.

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also for Beast, just like it was with Utopia and Cyke. It would be fun, no doubt.

Welcome back, Mr Gillen, and thank you. 🌻

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Guess "Captain Krakoa" is really taking Cyke's spot on the roster

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is set on the surface, where Monsters and humans live together. Boss monsters, like Cyke, are considered too powerful and dangerous by humans (that hunt them down)There is a legend tho, of a promise land for monsters hidden under a mountain, but no one found it yet

3 26

poor Cyke can’t catch a break

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I have so many wips now omg, I love it ♥♥ Thank you I love Mander and Ketch and Mander/Cyke ♥♥ omg I can't they are so adorable together! I'll finish also the other requests as soon as I can and... oh! Happy Easter to those who celebrate it :3

4 28

Cyke decides to smack his son in the head for no reason 😂

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