Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo (The 100 Girlfriends Who Really,Really,Really,Really,Really Love You) White Day 2023 illustration by Yukiko Nozawa

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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo (The 100 Girlfriends Who Really,Really,Really,Really,Really Love You) Character Visuals featuring Hakari, Karane, and Rentarou

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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo (The 100 Girlfriends Who Really,Really,Really,Really,Really Love You) anime announced with Teaser Visual by Bibury Animation Studios

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Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work together!Challenge my own drawing creation.✨✨
It is very interesting in the process of painting, and then I really want to snowboard in my heart🏂🏂🏂

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Nominees for the first UMA Music category include "Can Opener's Notebook: Fish Whisperer", "Another Railway Day", "Visiting Narcissa", "idaidaida", and "Cute Cervid Vol. 1"

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🦐 E?? Senpai sengaja datang??
🦈 He eh!
🦐 Yami no Kagami gak nyala lho? Kan libur??
🦈 Aku naik pesawat, trus berenang, trus lari ke sini~
🦐 Senpaaaaai daisukiiii~
🦈 Aku daidaidaisukiii~
🦐 (Pantesan chatnya unread semua)

Koebi Birthday 2023
All credit @ alt

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Every now and then I remember that in DragonNest Daidalos was driven to madness, killed his whole family, was turned into a monster, and his dead face is still visible on the boss' model, and I don't think enough people I talked to are creeped out about it honestly

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"I'm so sleepy, will you pat my head til I fall asleep 🥺"

🎨: @/daidaiyaguto

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A new GTS manga series has been announced! It's called "Daidara Bocchi na Aoba-san." It is a romantic comedy about a high school student who falls in love with a giantess.

Only caveat is that the manga will only be readable in Japan since it's on LINE Manga.

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🎴紅沼噺  其ノ拾伍🎴

Opensea沼にハマる 🎴


Bandaid:憑代W 169枚
BandaidA:憑代M 692枚
BandaidB:憑代M(怒り口) 166枚



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• 2° 🔑 - Barghest (Fate/Grand Order)
• 6° 🔑 - Yukari Akiyama (Girls und Panzer)
• 4° 🔑 - Kusuri Yakuzen (Kimi no koto ga daidaidaidaidai suki na 100-nin no Kanojo)
• 2° 🔑 - Izuna Kuda (Blue Archive)

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