ha!! the system really threw in everything! man, if i had human form, maybe mobei and i could—

206 1519

let's see...pretty standard stuff here...might as well skip ahead...

143 1157

a cultivation manual of rare spells? heh! nice!

201 1464

okay, enough feeling sorry for myself! might as well get a head start on what those demons were carrying so i can show my king when he gets back!

222 1500

mm...he's my favorite person...i miss him when he's not here. food tastes better in company, ya know?

228 1639

yeah, our relationship is much better now!

185 1395

and play keep away with my stuff! (my king, you can't even use my pillow?! why do you want it!?!)

345 2039

Catching up with a friend! He has so many good stories to tell...!!🐹🐝🍵

(mini crossover with )

508 2111

he used to tug on my ears!!

295 2080

heh! nothing like the old days. he used to be such a brat!

185 1346

*munch munch* and i shouldn't complain! he did come to my call earlier today with those demons...and made me dinner!

239 1589

it's fine, it's fine! i've eaten plenty of meals in my life by myself—most of them, in fact!

207 1427

*MBJ pauses at the door--expression unreadable--before he comes to some internal decision, and, with a small nod, leaves the room.*

178 1364

it's okay! go on! you'll be back soon, right? i can eat by myself--don't want to waste food this delicious ehehe

217 1488

...oh, my king still has one more meeting?

276 1903

mobei-jun, where is your bowl? come eat, come eat!

301 1850