🐝I rearrange some art from dailybeehua post as 2022 calendar! Free for personal use (to print, use as wallpaper, etc) ☺️
☕️ https://t.co/VRGfLUdQrN

308 2005

Catching up with a friend! He has so many good stories to tell...!!🐹🐝🍵

(mini crossover with )

508 2111

Happy Trick or Treating from Beehua and Shang Qingham~! Eat lots of sweets but don't forget to share! 🍭🐝🐹🍬


487 2537

I'm sure it will be delicious! Because I will be sharing it with you 💛💙

413 2080

and I pick extras since I know the white-yellow ones are your favorite, My King 🌼

321 2169

*tugs* Humanhua, look! I brought back the flowers for your thing!

282 2114

Oh yeah! I just remember—

365 2442

My King, you're still a bit damp... Let me help you dry up

449 2708

ohh~ warm towel feels so nice, thank you Humanbei!

453 2810

Ah, don't worry, Humanhua! I hid from the rain in a tree but Mothbei managed to find me

437 2882

*gentle wing flutters and soft tip-tap noises on the windowsill*

356 2632

*WHOOSH* What was that—?!

247 2306

Humanhua might get worried too... he did say he wanted to bake something for us

235 2074

Mothbei would be worried...

306 2357

*huff huff* I shouldn't stop— home is so close!

230 2117

C'mon! A bit more... We're almost home!

250 2014

hmpf! I can carry this no problem!

244 2020