un DTIYS que hice hace algun tiempo con milky_pop(instagram)💖 los fondos me quedanreguleros pero este realmente me gusto como quedo

10 20

“We shall certainly try you with something of fear and hunger & loss of property and lives and fruits. & give good news to the patient” ~HQ 2:155

Via webcast only (due to COVID-19) from at https://t.co/svoYJXsEL0 @ 1pm CST!

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Mikä oli vuoden yllättävin livekuvituskeikka? Entä raskain? Montako seminaariesitystä livekuvitin? Mitä asioita piirsin eniten v. 2019? in vuosikatsaus luettavissa: https://t.co/DmQxFiKSMi

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Time to upload my drawings for this year's ArtFight!
First goes this fullbody of Danrelle Corentine, lime_arts' (@ instagram) OC!
She made me one wonderful fullbody and of course I had to strike back!

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تضامنا مع الكنداكات المغدورات بكل أنحاء السودان ..


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参考ログ 04 キャラクター
Danrell Allekova
Age: "as old as a tree would"
Species: Fallkenlloyd kihen
Job: traveler, Fallkenlloyd Leader
Current residence: Allekova, Fall-ken-Hyd
Hobby: "all sorts of things"
Likes: free dinner
Dislikes: overpriced goods

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in the loving memory of a Kid named Mattar and all the martyrs of Sudan.
ربنا يرحم و يغفر لجميع شهدائنا المناضلين للحرية ، السلام و العدالة.
و مهما ضاقت الأحوال ، أكيد قلم الظلم مكسور.

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In Solidarity with the people of Sudan following brutal crackdown on peaceful protest against poor Governance and dictatorship. People united shall never be defeated.

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الحرية شمس لا بد لها أن تشرق في كل نفس.

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In the upcoming days, English-speaking news outlets will begin noticing that the exist (😂), so if you see a call for anything, recommend Sudanese voices! Thread:

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