in the loving memory of a Kid named Mattar and all the martyrs of Sudan.
ربنا يرحم و يغفر لجميع شهدائنا المناضلين للحرية ، السلام و العدالة.
و مهما ضاقت الأحوال ، أكيد قلم الظلم مكسور.

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How much more will it take?
How many more innocent lives will be rubbed?
How many more men will never return home?
How many more children will never grow up?
How many more moms will wail?
How many more youths will never see their dreams come true?

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Standing in solidarity with Sudan. R.I.P. Mohamed Matta and those taken in crisis. 🙏😔

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In Solidarity with the people of Sudan following brutal crackdown on peaceful protest against poor Governance and dictatorship. People united shall never be defeated.

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Blue, is one of our martyrs "Mohammed Mattar" favorite colour, started as a tribute to him, now turned to a symbol of all our martyrs, our revolution and our solidarity.

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