!? Hello Shay, I have more than 500 followers now, and it's not easy keeping up with everybody, glad to hear from you again,
and I will try to keep in touch, ..........
"Pleased to Tweet you with Tweets to please you"

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⁉️ Good morning Captain C, thanks for following, - " Pleased to meet you with Tweets to please you, "
I made the first 3

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⁉️ did it bring a small tear to your eye when you read that item Bill, that boy very much takes after his Mother's side of his family, he looks exactly like her. "It's a Sepia World"

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⁉️ hello Parkinsons UK, I keep sending you pictures, ❓ I have Parkinsons - I do Digital Art, (on this Samsung Galaxy Tab A. I edit images, write poems, verse, Limericks and haiku, this helps take my mind off Parky. U too can do it

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⁉️ aha young Jak, I be a-following you,
"Pleased to meet you with Tweets to please you" - .
Right, let us be gettting along with it then. .....
(it's speak like a pirate day today).
all 4 are my Artistic efforts. .......

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